Sunday, September 18, 2022

Arty Odds and Ends

To round off the summer, here's a little more from the jungle.

I can't understand why the hibiscus do so well in western New York and so badly in our garden in Florida. Not the same kind, of course. These must be pretty hardy.

And just one more look at the pushy black-eyed Susans.

And while we're on the subject of arty, a couple of my more successful culinary efforts.

This is supposed to be a French dish called tian. It uses industrial amounts of butter but tastes pretty good. Thanks to a local farmer for the giant tomatoes.

And a nice British summer pudding always goes down well with my American family - sadly not with our blueberries. Someone else got to them first. Hubby added the whipped cream, his party piece.

And not sure where this fits in to the story but it's rather sweet. A Ukrainian flag in one of the flower displays at Buffalo Marina.

Hubby and I are travelling in Blighty and rural France - running the gauntlet of cancelled flights, lost luggage and anything else they went to throw at us.

I may or may not post from there, depending on whether we can get the infernal internet widget to work for more than five minutes. Otherwise, see you in October and almost time to go south again - yikes!  Watch this space....

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